Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Retro accessories

I love the occasional retro accessory thrown into the mix of home deco.  A little bit of old in with the new adds depth to an interior.  Even a little bit of new disguised as something old does the trick.

I think this is especially true of old suitcases.  They're so versatile and reasonably priced at markets and on ebay.  This peacock print suitcase is sold at Liberty of London.  Its a gorgeous print and the colour and works in summer or winter interiors or even as an actual suitcase.  So great.

There has been a serious decline in the old cord home phone, but for an office I still think they can work and look super stylish while they're at it.  This silver Liberty of London phone is to die for.  I would actually start answering the home phone if it looked like this and not like the usual glorified mobile phone.  Putting a silver sheen on an old accessory will always win my heart.

Speaking of metallic finishes, this vintage French steel desk is calling my name!  I love the tarnished material, it's the kind of piece that looks perfect where ever you put it, with any accessory.  Find it at mydeco.com or click the image for a direct link.

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